New Concert Pics from Immortal Show
3/18/2011 1:50:09 PM by Frank

To go along with the exceptionally written Immortal concert report from Etiam we just posted, he has also sent along some pretty decent pics from the show.

Check them all out here: [Galleries Link]

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· Demons and Wizards· In Flames
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· The Great Deceiver· White Skull
· Misery Index· Disturbed
· Perzonal War· Twisted Tower Dire
· Commit Suicide· Dirty Power
· Solace· Seether
· Ring of Fire· Steel Attack
· Power of Omens· Valley's Eve
· Led Zeppelin· Hammerwhore
· Exawatt· Byfist
· Paragon· Godiva
· Sevendust· Rob Rock
· Sinergy· Duke
· Windseeker· Krisiun
· Project: Failing Flesh· Hard Echo
· Force Of Evil· Soil
· Ebony Ark· Bleeding Inc
· Outworld· Disarmonia Mundi
· Metalium· Iron Angel
· Juggernott· Joey Belladonna
· Bonfire· Unleashed
· Lilitu· Killswitch Engage
· Saxon· Rhapsody of Fire
· Images of Eden· Beaten Back To Pure
· Unearth· Katagory V
· Z02· Marshall Law
· Jungle Rot· Tartharia
· Witchburner· Haunted By Angels
· The Last Act· Anger
· Twisted Sister· Creed
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· Kings X· Belef
· Dirt· Korpiklaani
· Astral Doors· Vicious Circle
· Suidakra· Desire Black
· Apocalyptica· Chuck Schuldiner
· Stormwarrior· Kaamos
· Operatika· Strapping Young Lad
· Burden Of Grief· Shade Empire
· Embraze· Python
· Vicious Art· Dynamic Lights
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· Devil Lee Rot· Love Forsaken
· Sheavy· Holy Blood
· Octavia Sperati· The Atomic Bitchwax
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· Dechrist· Even X
· Spellbound· Wolfmother
· Skullshifter· Dogs Of Winter
· Motorhead· Hate
· Totalisti· Witchery
· Sepultura· Across Tundras
· Powerglove· Tandjent
· Cardinale· Steep
· The Berzerker· Firehouse
· Tris Katone· The Smashup
· Dream Or Nightmare· Hate Profile
· Cult of Luna· Suzukiton
· Hydrogyn· Paul Bonrud
· From the Grave· Skyforger
· Zero Hour· Anata
· Wastefall· Cult of Daath
· E-lane· Panzerchrist
· Demise· Urkraft
· Centinex· Gaza
· Warbringer· Zyklon
· Mithras· Hacride
· Pentacle· Trenchfoot
· Ulcerate· Throneum
· Temple Of Blood· Spheric Universe Experience
· Orthodox· I Shalt Become
· Demonic Symphony· Last Stone Cast
· SOS· Embalming Theatre
· Celestia· Medieval Steel
· Alestorm· Nasty Idols
· Mustasch· Caliban
· Giant Squid