Lemmy Week Tuesday -- Road Reports
2/1/2011 1:34:20 PM by Frank

Continuing our Lemmy Week into Tuesday...

Motörhead has been around for 35 years as a band. Some of our Maximum Metal writers had a chance to catch them live and from our Road Report archives here's their write-ups of those concerts:

. Road Report 89  w/ ASG, Year Long Disaster, Valient Thorr

. Road Report 47  w/Gizmachi & Slunt

. Road Report 31  w/Corrosion of Conformity

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ˇ Into Eternityˇ Slipknot
ˇ The Hauntedˇ Children Of Bodom
ˇ Mondo Generatorˇ Exmortem
ˇ Deceasedˇ Anthrax
ˇ Commit Suicideˇ Circle II Circle
ˇ Lamb of Godˇ Mortician
ˇ Widowmakerˇ Sickspeed
ˇ Legendˇ Masterplan
ˇ Wizardˇ Angel Dust
ˇ Dr. Butcherˇ Valley's Eve
ˇ Goat Hornˇ Nicta
ˇ SelfInflictedˇ Iced Earth
ˇ Fireball Ministryˇ Mourning Beloveth
ˇ Victoryˇ Crystal Eyes
ˇ Nordheimˇ Sludge!
ˇ Tad Moroseˇ Silent Scythe
ˇ Thunderstoneˇ Edguy
ˇ Krisiunˇ DevilDriver
ˇ Brides of Destructionˇ Secret Sphere
ˇ Dreamakerˇ Three Inches of Blood
ˇ Volbeatˇ Death Angel
ˇ Jag Panzerˇ Wolf
ˇ Gravelandˇ David Shankle Group
ˇ Lonewolfˇ Joe Stump
ˇ Dimmu Borgirˇ De Lirium's Order
ˇ Destructorˇ Devil In The Kitchen
ˇ Meliah Rageˇ Dio
ˇ Beaten Back To Pureˇ Potential Threat SF
ˇ Tearabyteˇ Dark Ruin
ˇ Seventh Oneˇ Behemoth
ˇ Dark Tranquillityˇ Legion
ˇ Blood Red Throneˇ Kamelot
ˇ Requiem Aeternamˇ Seige of Hate
ˇ Quiet Riotˇ Sabaton
ˇ Yyrkoonˇ Mechanical Poet
ˇ Car Bombˇ Mystic Prophecy
ˇ John Sykesˇ Crimson Moonlight
ˇ Cemetaryˇ Argument Soul
ˇ Magicaˇ Operatika
ˇ Ramessesˇ Def Leppard
ˇ Defleshedˇ Raging Speedhorn
ˇ Manntisˇ Vicious Art
ˇ Unshineˇ Prowler Inc.
ˇ Havochateˇ Clutch
ˇ Eternal Reignˇ Armored Saint
ˇ Violent Stormˇ Ghost Machinery
ˇ Crystal Ballˇ Dreamland
ˇ Vileˇ Zero Down
ˇ God Forbidˇ Torture Killer
ˇ Nocturnal Ritesˇ Hate
ˇ Insenseˇ Nobody's Fool
ˇ Craftˇ Second Shadow
ˇ Sepulturaˇ Southern Black Sand
ˇ Naked Beggarsˇ 286
ˇ Thyraneˇ The Smackdown
ˇ Warrant (Amer)ˇ Vreid
ˇ Cataractˇ Hirax
ˇ Hate Profileˇ Abysmal Dawn
ˇ Royal Huntˇ Spawn of Possession
ˇ Michael Orlandoˇ Nachtmystium
ˇ Skid Rowˇ Hurt
ˇ Pretty Maidsˇ Wastefall
ˇ Venomˇ Lesbian Bed Death
ˇ E-laneˇ Escape The Fate
ˇ Handful of Hateˇ Twisted Into Form
ˇ Blood Tsunamiˇ Hardcore Superstar
ˇ Southern Gentlemanˇ With Passion
ˇ Batteredˇ Warbringer
ˇ Crescent Shieldˇ Old Man's Child
ˇ Merciless Deathˇ Zyklon
ˇ Nagelfarˇ Incrave
ˇ Cattle Decapitationˇ The Prophecy
ˇ Divine Empireˇ Hacride
ˇ Warner Driveˇ Throneum
ˇ Fightˇ Randy Ellefson
ˇ Himsaˇ Orthodox
ˇ Deceiverˇ Aetherius Obscuritas
ˇ Triviumˇ Hacksaw Surgery
ˇ Celestiaˇ Mar De Grises
ˇ Bible Of The Devilˇ Ihsahn
ˇ Something Beautifulˇ Mustasch
ˇ Dark Castle