Greg's Top 10 Queensryche Songs
6/22/2012 1:22:04 PM by Frank
It's been announced on news sites that Geoff Tate and Queenryche have split with the
other members taking on the Queensryche name after having previously started a side band
named Rising West with Crimson Glory singer Todd La Torre.
Positions on it here at MM have ranged from "they should change their name cause Tate
is QRyche" to "can't wait to hear new QR going metal" to "Tate can
take his indy solo albums and get the fuck out".
Whatever happens, they were what they were and they will be what they will be. We're
anxious to see what happens.
Greg's Top 10 Queensryche Songs:
1. Roads to Madness
2. Della Brown
3. Eyes of a Stranger
4. Screaming in Digital
5. Queen of the Reich
6. The Mission
7. Neue Regel
8. The Lady Wore Black
9. Before the Storm
10. The Chase
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