Metal Goes Wild West!
10/15/2016 7:36:35 PM by Frank Hill

The rugged West...outlaws, gunfights and bravado. It's rebellion in history, mythology and Hollywood's big screen. The North American wild, wild West of the late 1700s through the turn of the 20th century is popularized in pop culture through movies, books and comics galore.
It makes perfect sense for heavy metal to firmly embrace this lifestyle. Hardened men and women hit the road with six-strings instead of six-guns. They blaze their own trails and go against the grain of mainstream media. It's loud and proud and preaches unity with a closed fist in the air and sparks rebellion with the strum of the strings. Everyone from Lemmy Kilmister to Phil Lynott has fantasized about cowboys both in stage presentation, writing and lifestyle.
Here at Maximum Metal we have stumbled on countless songs and conceptual albums based on the wild West and cowboy culture. We thought it fitting to throw out a few of our favorites here with a few notes about the band, album or song. Tie your horse off, fetch a beer and sit a spell with us, pardner. Read our column here:
[Full Column Link]
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