I remember when I first heard 'The Codex Necro' back in 2001 from Anaal Nathrakh and was blown away by the way the band melded different genres together so fluidly. It was a wickedly good mix of grind, black, and industrial that felt so evil and delicious. But with 'A New Kind of Horror', the venom that was omnipresent throughout 'Necro' has really been whittled down and replaced with loads of clean vocals that just feel so wrong. The music is still genre-bending and really grabs your attention. There are pummeling blast beats, chaotic and frenetic guitar pieces that is what we've come to expect from Anaal. But the vocals just really hurt this album a lot. The growls and bm screams are still there but it's the addition of the clean vocals that just left me scratching my head. I don't know where a power metal-esque scream or cleanly sung passages fit into the songs that the band constructs. If you cut the clean vocals out from the album, it would really do this release wonders.