Juggernaut Of Justice
The End
Popular Reviews
I've heard this stuff over and over and over again
 | Anvil Juggernaut Of Justice
Company: The End Records Release: 2011 Genre: Traditional Reviewer: EC |  |
I've heard this stuff over and over and over again
Do we need another Anvil record? I'm sure the success of "The Story Of Anvil" did wonders for the band and realistically teamed them with everyone from Danko Jones to AC/DC on the road and on the radio. For the seasoned metal veteran, this is the FOURTEENTH album from Anvil. I have stacks of tapes, CDs, vinyls and digital copies to pile higher than a Maiden amp wall. Still with this new slab of Anvil I have another brick in the wall.
"JUG" was recorded at Dave Grohl's studio in California under the watchful eye of Bob Marlette. This is clearly the best sounding Anvil album to date with Rob Reiner's drum sound out of this world. Combine that with Lips avoiding any high notes and this new offering is the best the Canadians have sounded in a good while. However as good as this is, it is still record number fourteen and by this point I've heard every Anvil riff borrowed ten times over and songwriting that still refuses to rise above the fourth grade level.
There is no doubt that Anvil has some great tunes on this record, the title track easily making a greatest hits package of Anvil's "Backwaxed Best". Who can deny the absolute crushing doom of "New Orleans Voodoo", the lightning stabs of "On Fire" and "Turn It Up"? How about the mosh pit grooves of "FuckenEh" or "This Ride"? But still this is a long journey and I've heard this stuff over and over and over again, even recycled on the late great "Still Going Strong" in 2002 (a full eleven years from the debut!). Lips vocals are downright Lemmy at this point and Rob Reiner still plays the best fills in the industry. So great production, a handful of killer tunes and a heavy-handed tight approach make a great album, right? No. This album is still loaded with filler and the stagnation in 2011 is a bit overwhelming.
"JUG" should be a big hit with newcomers picking up the "following" album after the movie. All of your big names out there are gonna pitch it here and Anvil may make another strong run on the heels of the movie hitting cable. It is a fairy tale ending and one that should leave Anvil in the black for the first time in their budget.

The Great White North strikes back! Unleashing their 14th studio album Anvil pump out a mix of mid-tempo muscle in tracks like 'New Orleans Voodoo' and 'Conspiracy' but stay true to their Thrash and bash roots with rapid fire riffs and screaming solos on tasty cuts like 'Running' and 'This Ride'. Tracks like the Jazz/Metal hybrid of 'Swing Time' cease to only slow down the madness. As does Lips oh so cheesy lyrics that would make Chester Cheetah cry. But it's easy to overlook. Anvil have never been a thinking band or lyrical geniuses. Much the same as their previous works they remain a band for the beer and wings crowd.