Enemies Of Reality (remix)
Century Media
Popular Reviews
NEVERMORE- ENEMIES OF REALITY remix - 2005 - Century Media

Track Listing 1. Enemies Of Reality 2. Ambivalent 3. Never Purify 4. Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday 5. I, Voyager 6. Create The Infinite 7. Who Decides 8. Noumenon 9. Seed Awakening |
So, the deed has been done and the wrong has been righted. The horrible production this 2003 release got was a travesty compared to their previous works and left me feeling a bit let down. Nothing could stop the brilliant musicianship contained in these tunes but the sound really cheated us Nevermore fans out of enjoying the material at the level we had come to expect and obviously taken for granted.
When I put the remixed version in my player for the first time I was floored. With the muddy sound now filtered out, the sheer clarity of each instrument shines through and just mowed me over. As Jeff Loomis ran the fretboard in maniacal splendour during the opening title track I knew that Andy Sneap's help had come at the 12'th hour to breathe new life into this album. Suddenly the progressive pummelling of "Never Purify" stood tall with the heartfelt "Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday" and the soaring "I, Voyager" meshed perfectly with the chugging "Create The Infinite" making this diverse platter spring to life with razor-sharp clarity. Such a pleasure to sit back and let it run it's course instead of trying to struggle through such a distorted listen. Yes my friends, advanced metal music and shoddy sound do NOT mix.
Many metal fans care little about today's technological advancement in recording technique and sound quality. I am not such a fan. I believe the listening experience is enhanced as the artist's creations leap out of the speakers with precision and clarity. The murky sound did not stop me from listening to "Enemies Of Reality" when it first came out, yet I feel the true nature of this beast has now been justly revealed.
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--Axeman 04.02.05