Company: Scarlet Release: 2016 Genre: Traditional, modern Reviewer: Greg Watson
A strange beast
Sweden's Brick is a strange beast. Their bio lists At The Gates, The Haunted, Lamb of God, Pantera and KSE as influences in the same breath as Blink 182, Good Charlotte and Sum 41. Having listened to "Faceless Strangers", the band's latest album, I didn't really hear too much of the first chunk of bands in the music and only a little of the pop punk influences. The tracks are pretty solid, having more of a classic/traditional metal feel to them with the vocals bordering on Maiden like at times. The choruses seem to be where the pop punk influence manifests itself, with the catchy and sugary feel that they have throughout each track. After a couple of listens, I found myself getting a tad bored with it as each song didn't really do much to differentiate from its predecessor. The production on the album is pretty solid but overall the album really lacks the ability to catch and maintain the listener's attention.