Secret Sphere
Scent of Human Desire
Popular Reviews
Secret Sphere - Scent of Human Desire - 2003 Reviewed by Chaoslord

Track Listing01 - Rain 02 - Still Here 03 - 1000 Eyes Show 04 - More Than Simple Emotions 05 - Surrounding 06 - Desire 07 - Virgin Street 69 08 - Runaway Train 09 - Scent Of A Woman 10 - Life 1 (Walking Through The Dawn) 11 - Life 2 (Daylight) 12 - Kings Of Metal (J)
Alright, here's the deal with this band. They are your typical power metal band that has surfaced within the last few years. Very similar in style to Angel Dust and Gamma Ray. There are lots of melodic guitars and plenty of solos to satisfy the most avid guitarist. The rest of the music is what you would expect out of a power metal group nowadays.
With that being said, there isn't really anything that stands out to separate this band from any of the other power metal bands out there today. Not saying that it's a bad thing, but it would be nice to hear something different every now and again instead of the same old thing. The vocals are easily likened to Dirk Thurisch of Angel Dust and any of the other European vocalists out there due to the slightly broken English that he sings in. This is a good demo though as far as the production is concerned. Very crisp and clear and allows you to hear each of the instruments as they are meant to be heard. If you are a fan of the aforementioned bands or are looking to start getting into more power metal, try and track down this demo.
--Chaoslord 03.17.04