Blisters the hard rock landscape with youthful vigor
With juvenile titles like "Beaver Fever" and "King of the Landfill", you'd expect equally juvenile music, but Overloaded comes at you with a sound that would turn Ted Nugent into a quivering mess. From the opening Plant-styled wails and the searing guitars, the band blisters the hard rock landscape with more youthful vigor than most of the 80's rockers they're descended from. Aptly named vocalist Chris Gillen is the classic electrified screamer that sends the band over the top and into the stratosphere on the majority of the songs. It's an absolute pleasure to once again hear guitar riffs that will peel the paint from my walls and a vocalist that can wail like his nuts are caught in a vice. Overloaded is the hottest rock band I've heard all year and there's enough potential here for them to become the new kings of kick-your-ass rock where we've had little for years.
Bottom Line: For fans of early Def Leppard, Gun N Roses, Skid Row and AC\DC.