Hostile Blood
Butchery Music
Popular Reviews
Deivos-Hostile Blood-Butchery Music-2003 reviewed by: Chaoslord

Track Listing 1. Chasm Climber 2. Hostile Blood 3. Encircled By Nothingness 4. Scarcity Of Suffering 5. Throw Off The Fetters 6. Beginning Of True Journey * 7. Four United In Unity *
Alrighty death metallers, here is a Belgian band sure to kick your ass.
If you are looking for brutal, bone crushing death metal then this is your group right here. Filled with your typical chugging guitar riffs and ridiculously fast drum beats, this album begins bludgeoning your senses from beginning til end. While many people easily tire of death metal due to lack of changing tempos and repetition, I am always on the prowl for new blood soaked talent. And upon listening to this CD I have found a new band that I like.
Similar in style to Poland's Vader and Decapitated, Deivos shows that there are good things still lurking on the death metal horizon. The vocals on the album are very guttural and just grab a hold of you from the get go. Songs such as "Encircled by Nothingness" and "Scarcity of Suffering" are just blistering death metal songs that are sure to kick your ass. I have been listening to this CD for a few months now and as I keep listening to it, it just keeps growing on me more and more. So, if you want some good death metal, get in touch with Butchery Music and try and get a hold of this one.
--Chaoslord 03.10.04