Company: Earache Release: 2011 Genre: Traditional Reviewer: EC
Little to no innovation to the sport
Talking about changing faces and places. This band shows on a ton of resumes with a revolving door akin to Overkill or worse. At one point they had a total uproot of singer, voice and drummer to greener pastures in Holy Grail (an ascension). Left is White Wizzard's "Flying Tigers", the pieced together fragments making up this second full length record. Fans of this new caliber of NWOBHM will shovel this on the gravy train of high speed melody and vocals. I dunno...I mean this band does it well, the style and substance of "polished to perfection" power metal that oozes and bleeds twin guitar gallops and that sense of the 80s elite. This sort of thing was built on the backs of US underground miners like Geoff Thorpe and David Chastain and I can't help but think White Wizzard would shine two decades ago. I still keep waiting on memorable songs or riffs in the midst pf Wizzard's well calculated plan. Really the whole thing just follows breakneck speed, roaring and burning with youthful energy and Saturday night exploits of spinning heaps of vinyl. Call me interested but still hesitant to call it worthy or even inspiring with little to no innovation to the sport. For God's sake take that extra Z out.