Madame Torment
Lost Girl in the City
Hard Rock
Popular Reviews
 | Madame Torment Lost Girl in the City
Company: Indy Release: 2015 Genre: Hard Rock Reviewer: Frank Hill |
Bad girls, lost girls, sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll
Madame Torment is an Oregon-based hard rock band with a Sunset Strip attitude and a whole lotta shaking goin' on. Lost Girl In The City is their latest 4-song EP. They label themselves under the genre "bitch rock", but it's a misnomer since there's more to their emotional sound and lyrics than that image qualifier.
"Bad Girl Rhythm N Blues" is a sexy opener with a slinky bassline and sultry vocals that could be painted on black velvet. "Lost Girl in the City" recalls a Guns 'n Roses facination with city loneliness. "Fix It With A Shot" picks up the rhythmic pace treading into Skid Row's faster territory. "Everybody Hates You" is their Rocket Queen with the added depth of natural piano and the lyrical mood of an angsty bender.
Lost Girl's production has a warm, middle bass and a thick crunch to the guitars. I can't say I'm a fan of the album art filtering and fashion inconsistency, but lack of uniformity is more of a branding issue than a musical one. Bottom line: they can play.
Throwing down some AC/DC and 80-styled rock is a precarious path since most band efforts come up way short of the masters. Bad girls, lost girls, sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll. This is a solid EP and a band with plenty of potential. Elsa Faith, Erin Elizadeth, Ashley Luna, Camille Denny--if they can surround themselves with people who can guide them up the rock ladder, they'll own the whole penthouse.