Big Dumb Face
Duke Lion Fights the Terror
Flawless Records
Popular Reviews
2/24/2003 - Review by:
Big Dumb Face - Duke Lion Fights the Terror - reviewed by: Aborted Fetus Smasher

Track Listing1. Burgalveist 2. Duke Lion 3. Kali is the Sweethog 4. Blood Red Head on Fire 5. Space Adventure 6. Fightin' Stance 7. Organ Splitter 8. Mighty Penis Laser 9. Robot 10. Rebel 11. Voices in the Wall 12. It's Right in Here
Wes Borland's Big Dumb Face ( project was the beginning of the end for his career with Limp Bizkit. Released in 2001 on Fred Durst's god-awful Flawless Records, BDF's debut album "Duke Lion Fights the Terror" showcases the many talents of Wes that noone would ever witness on a Limp Bizkit album.
The opening track, "Burgalveist", is a high-speed death metal assault similar to something you'd hear on the latest Deranged CD. There is the obvious use of vocal effects and a drum machine, but the song is surprisingly good with sludge breakdowns, etc.
From there, the album takes many bizarre twists and turns that are not only interesting to hear, but also down-right funny. "Duke Lion" sounds like something straight out of Bonanza. "Kali is the Sweethog" would make many 80's New Wave artists proud. "Fightin' Stance" and "Rebel" sound like something from a spaghetti western. And of course, there's death metal. "Blood Red Head on Fire" and "Organ Splitter" are songs good enough to make Chris Barnes cry like a little bitch. Be sure to check out the drum breaks on "Organ Splitter". Fucking awesome.
Big Dumb Face has something for everyone, whether you like metal, pop, or even really bad country. It's a great album and I definitely think everyone should check it out. If this is what Wes could do all along, then you have to wonder why he ever wasted his time with Limp Bizkit. Reviewed by --Aborted Fetus Smasher 2.24.03