Twilight Dominion
Popular Reviews
Almost bonecrushing in overall fury
I really don't know what to think of this band. "Twilight Dominion" is the first Usurper record to be spun by me. I was always under the impression that this was a black metal band in the same vein as Immortal or Emperor. With my first listen, I was definitely way off on that guess.
Usurper play over the top, heavy as hell black thrash, like a modern day Venom, borrowing a bit from Deceased and Anvil. This is certainly one of the heavist albums to come out this year. My problem is somewhat odd. I think the production job hides the fact that Usurper are playing the same old riffs we have heard a million times already. Lets face it, these riffs have been played before, and played better I might add.
What makes this album interesting however is the fact that these songs are played so damn heavy. The production job brings every riff to a punishing end, almost bonecrushing in overall fury. Imagine Jag Panzer's 'Ample Destruction' with this kind of production job, or Venom's 'Black Metal' done this way.
I enjoy this record, but don't put this in hoping for something original. You just aren't going to get it here. This release is to black thrash what Hammerfall is to power metal, nothing original but still enjoyable.
Heavier and more evil than the last disc
Man, where do I start with this CD. For those of you not familiar with Usurper, they are a old school thrash band from the "Windy City". Their last CD, "Necronemesis" was one of my favorite discs of 2002 and they are not aiming to disappoint with this new disc.
It is heavier and more evil than the last disc. At times this CD reminds me of Morbid Angel with the heavy, chugging riffs that were commonplace on Morbid Angel CD's. This is just one of those CD's that as soon as you throw it in your player you just have to start banging your head and you don't stop until the CD is over. For fans of solos and melodic guitars you will definitely enjoy this CD. There is some fantastic guitar work on this song and some of the riffs are just bone rattling. The vocals are in the vein of Slayer, more spoken at times then sung. Yet there are moments of death/black metal vocals on the CD. Singer Jon Necromancer has a very unique style yet I feel it suits the music very well. I can not say enough about this CD.
Some people may write this off as stuff everyone else has done, but irregardless of what those people think this is just a great heavy metal album. Fans of old school thrash should check it out. Their previous disc "Necronemesis" is damn good too and features guest appearances by King Diamond and members of Absu. Damn good CD.