Threat Signal
Under Reprisal
Nuclear Blast
Popular Reviews
Threat Signal - Under Reprisal - 2006 - Nuclear Blast Records

Track Listing:1. Rational Eyes 2. As I Destruct 3. One Last Breath 4. Seeing Red 5. A New Beginning 6. Counter Balance 7. Inane 8. Now 9. Faceless 10. Haunting 11. When All Is Said And Done |
Ever since the release of Meshuggah's "Nothing" in 2002, a slew of imitators have infested the metal scene with their own version of the Progressive Metal style. However, no matter how crafty their art may seem at the time, a lack of musicianship - or the ear for good progressive movements, can turn into a nightmare. Fortunately, this is not the case for Ontario, Canada's Threat Signal. With the release of their debut CD, "Under Reprisal", on Nuclear Blast Records, they are proving that there are definitively room for improvements in the progressive metal scene.
The first song, Rational Eyes, pummels through the speakers at full force, setting the pace for this metal masterpiece. Jarred with great production, ever-changing tempos, masterful riffs, and the use of several different vocal styles, Rational Eyes contain several different elements of extreme metal that pushes its aggressive boundaries. The next song, As I Destruct, continues the assault at a faster pace and continues to draw the listener in with its aggressive elements. From this point on, each song continues down the same destructive path and graces our METAL ears with a consistently outstanding performance.
However, the action does not stop there, as Threat Signal add other elements into each song that makes them standout amongst the imitators of progressive death metal. There are hints of clean vocals reminiscent of early Fear Factory, there are the sudden screams that remind us of "Vulgar Display of Power" era Phil Anselmo, acoustic passages, melodic interludes, and there is also the brilliant use of a piano in spots to add an exciting dimension to these songs.
Threat Signal definitely has what it takes to make their mark on the extreme metal scene and Under Reprisal is an outstanding debut that delivers with quite an impact. Laced with talented musicians, and a great sense for creating powerful metal, Threat Signal have already proved to be a force to be reckoned with. If this is how they are starting their career, I could just imagine how devastating their future releases will be.
Rating: 3.5
--Grim Gaijin